We asked the doctor to check on the gender again just to make sure. We looked a long time and it really can't be a finger or two sticking in the wrong places. So that's that. A happy baby boy.
The baby, as usual was moving a lot as we did the scan. We could see him waving his tiny fingers, his little hands were here and there and his legs were seen to be fully outstretched. The doctor commented that he's got long legs. I'm pleased about it. His dad and I don't have long limbs!
We also saw his face formation, his ears, closed eyes, nose and even the nostrils! He's got big eye sockets so there's a possibility he's gonna have big eyes. Frankly, I can't wait to see the baby! :)
The doctor asked if I've started to feel the baby move and I told him he's rather active. Especially so in the night when I'm trying to sleep. He said I should eat then because the baby is probably hungry. Doc also said I should train the baby to sleep when I do because his current pattern will continue after he's born. So training starts tonight!
After months of weight loss, I've finally gained back some. Today's weight check showed that I've gained 3.6kg from last month. And that puts me about just 2kg over my weight before I got pregnant.
So that's it for today, both mommy and baby are doing fine. And the daddy, I think he's thrilled :)
Did you get a copy of the scan?If you did, you'll be looking at it everyday! :D